The most important thing to realise about prayer is that it’s a conversation. It’s a conversation between you and God. Just like any other conversation, you need to be yourself and use your own words. No special words or prayers are necessary. Also like any other conversation, take time to listen rather than doing all the talking. It may take time to realise that it’s God putting thoughts in your mind, or changing your heart over something as you sit quietly in his presence. You may not hear an audible voice, but God does speak and he does answer prayers.
If you are here, you obviously want to learn how to pray, but the best way is simply to begin. First, set aside some time when you won’t be disturbed and are free from distractions. Take a moment to be still and ask God to make you aware of his presence and to help you to pray. Remember always that he loves you and loves it when you come, acknowledge him and involve him in your life.
Then simply talk to God, tell him what’s on your heart. Tell him how you are feeling & tell him how your day is going. If you feel that you have said, thought or done something wrong, acknowledge that and ask him to forgive you (he will). Say thank you for the good things going on in your life. Ask him for his help for yourself and others where it’s needed.
There are a multitude of models and resources online and in the bookshop to help you pray. If you would like some help from a real human being to get started, then contact us through the church office and we’ll arrange to meet up, over a coffee.