

One New Parish

(The parish of St Paul, St Stephen and Holy Trinity)

Our mission is to ‘welcome people to meet Jesus’, and we’re committed to loving and serving those who live, work and socialise in the city centre and Pillgwenlly.

The congregations and parishes of St Paul’s and St Stephen’s  joined together in 2019.  Working as one, they now seek to bring God’s kingdom to two of the most needy and deprived areas of Newport.

St Paul’s was (and is) a lively, charismatic, evangelical church right in the heart of the city centre. For the last 180 years, they have been a  worshipping community passionate to share the Gospel, and committed to loving and serving  others. Their recent history includes moving from a traditional church building to a shop, back to the church building, and then to the old Post Office, in Bridge St.  The visibility, flexibility and accessibility of this venue and location opened the door to a multitude of partnerships with other churches and charities, to serve the people who come to the city centre. These have included Foodbank, Street Pastors, work with the homeless and addicts, supporting asylum seekers and refugees, helping families, providing a space for carers, a fresh expression of church for the Chinese community, a youth club, Toddler group, music lessons for ex-offenders and a drop in cafe. Find out more about the rich evangelical  history.of St Paul’s here. 

St Stephen’s

A quiet building for most of the time, unnoticed among the tall trees in summer, it stands on an island surrounded by busy roads leading to the docks and in the shadow of the world famous Transporter Bridge.

A Church which started out in 1884 as a daughter Church for Holy Trinity which had been built nearer to the town and across that busy Commercial Road.  When it was needful for Holy Trinity to be demolished for safety reasons St. Stephens welcomed not only the congregation but also much of its distinctive items of wood, silver, vestments, stained glass windows etc.

During its life from 1920 to 2020 it has seen more changes. A larger Organ was installed – which meant moving choir stalls from the usual position close to the High Altar down to the Nave Crossing. Amongst other changes a Vestry on the South West entrance, Screening of the Baptistry area and the creation of a small Lady Chapel at the South East entry area.

Changes in the Service came into being with each subsequent Vicar until by 2016 it was regarded within the Monmouth Diocese as Anglo Catholic with links with the Roman Catholic Church of St Michael sharing Services of the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.  At that date 2016 all the existing congregation had always worshipped in the regular pattern of a full sung Eucharist on Sunday morning plus daily Morning Mass with extra Services for Saints Days etc and had their own Priest living locally.  At that significant time when it was announced Father Edward was moving to the North of England and the three parishes of St Paul, St Stephen and St Thomas, Maesglas would be amalgamated into a Benefice with only one Priest in Charge it became very evident that things would change again.

Three years on and it is still changing! Yes there is a main Eucharistic Service on Sunday at 10am and usually a Mid Week Communion Service, Baptisms now happen during a family friendly Service at that same 10am time once a month. We have a Music Group of guitar and keyboard as well as the Organ and sometimes even Puppets appear, and we have a growing family of children who meet together in the Church Hall during Worship time and it is good to ask “what have you done/learned today?” when we join them there for Coffee/Tea after the Service.

We acknowledge that some have found the changes just too much from their comfort zone, and we wish them well in their new home of Worship and thank those stalwarts who have stayed and are encouraged by the new families who have arrived.

Jesus came to bring about change in people’s lives. His words to those few followers he left on earth were “Go and make disciples.. and baptising them.. and I will be with you”. St Stephens has done that since it’s first day – long may it continue.

Our Values

We have three core values, which are the foundation for our life together as a church:


Everything we do is centred on Jesus, motivated by his love for us and for his world, and following the example of his life, death and resurrection. The Bible points us towards Jesus, showing us how to be the people he has made us to be – we aim to know, love and live God’s word.


The Holy Spirit is our companion in everything we do, empowering and equipping us to live for Jesus and love others. In our worship and prayer life as a church, we offer the opportunity for people to be filled afresh with God’s love and power, offer prayer for healing, and invite one another to listen for God’s voice. This is always done gently and appropriately.


We believe that God loves Newport, and has called us to be a blessing to others. We aim to encourage every member of our church to love and serve those around them in their communities. We also serve the community together through activities, projects and presence – being there for those in need.

Our Team

St Paul’s & St Stephen’s have a Leadership Team who are responsible for the everyday running of the church, and a Church Council (PCC) who make the big decisions and prayerfully discern the way forward together. Meet our Leadership Team

Our Church Family

St Paul’s & St Stephen’s are part of Monmouth Diocese
in the Church in Wales.